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The 3rd Education Forum on School Based Management
ONEC(the Office of the National Education Commission, Thailand) organized the 3rd International Forum on Education Reform: Education Decentralization Revisited: School-based Management on Sep. 8-11, 2003 in Bangkok, Thailand. As one of the Forum’s co-hosts, KEDI sent Korean experts in this area to the Forum. Dr. Chong Jae Lee, the president of KEDI and Dr. Sang-Kab Lee, the president of Kyungbok High School participated in the forum as a keynote speaker and a presenter for demonstration session respectively. However, since Dr. Chong Jae Lee, the president of KEDI couldn't attend the Forum due to an urgent matter at KEDI. Dr. Ee-gyeong Kim in Research Team of Educational Administration Systems at KEDI participated in the Forum to deliver Dr. Lee's keynote address on behalf of him.