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Submission Guidelines

KEDI Journal of Educational Policy

The KEDI Journal of Educational Policy seeks to publish research that makes a significant contribution to the understanding and practice of educational policy through scholarly articles and reports on research projects of wide international scope. The aims are to make research accessible to a broad international readership, including researchers, practitioners, and students in education. The Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) welcomes papers that will encourage and enhance academic debate from new and established scholars.

General Guidelines
Article Types

The Journal features scholarly articles.

Qualification of Authors

Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that the writer (the First or the corresponding author) has a doctoral degree in the field of education or professional work experience in the field of education with a doctoral degree.

Originality of Manuscript
  • Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been submitted elsewhere or previously published.
  • Misconduct including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism of manuscripts shall be a reason for rejection of manu scripts.
  • General statement of ethical guidelines is specified in 'The ethical guidelines of the「KEDI Journal of Educational Policy」.

The Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) copyrights all of its publications to protect authors and journals against unauthorized reproduction of articles. Rights and permissions regarding the use of KEDI-copyrighted materials are handled by KEDI. Authors who wish to use materials must obtain a written permission from KEDI.

Publication Decisions
  • All submitted papers will be approved by the editor. Publication decisions will be made by the editor or guest editor.
  • The review process takes anywhere from 5 to 7 months, depending on the individual paper. Authors should expect to hear from editors within that review period regarding the status of their manuscripts.
  • After the first round of review, authors should submit their revised papers no later than 8 weeks. Unless agreed upon, submissions will not be accepted after the 8-week deadline.
  • The editor of the KEDI Journal of Educational Policy reserves the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity or style. The author will be consulted on the final edition of the manuscript.
Specifications for Manuscripts

The preferred style guide for the KEDI Journal of Educational Policy is explained in the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2019, hereafter “APA”)

Style Guide
  • The document size should be 21cm x 29.7cm (A4)
  • The manuscript should be double-spaced with 2.54 cm (1 inch) margins on all sides
  • The type size should be 12 point Times New Roman.
  • The document is preferred in Microsoft Word format.
  • Type only one space after a period or other punctuation.
  • Type footnotes at the end of the text section of the manuscript.
  • Subheadings should be numbered in the following manner: 1. 1-1.
  • The title of the article, the preferred running head for publication, the name of the author(s), and other contact information should be typed only on the first page for anonymity in the review process. Type the running head at the top of the title page on the left side, centered in 14-point, bold Times New Roman font. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized. The names of authors should be listed according to how much they contributed. The byline should consist of two parts: the name of author and the name of his/her institutional affiliation. For contact information, the address of affiliation and the author’s email address should be written.
  • Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page. The number should appear at the top of each page on the right. The running head should be included five spaces to the left of the page number.
  • Be sure to include a single paragraph informative abstract of 100-120 words.
  • The complete title of the article should be specified above the abstract.
  • 5 keywords of the article should be included at the bottom of the abstract.
  • The length of the articles should not exceed 25 pages, including references, tables and figures (times new roman 12 and double-spaced) . Please note that the paper which exceed 25 pages will be returned.
Tables and Figures
  • Tables and figures should be completely understandable, independent of the text.
  • Each table and figure must be mentioned in the text, given a title, and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.
  • Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript with their approximate locations indicated in the text.
  • Type the word ‘Table’ or ‘Figure’ without using < >, and write the corresponding Arabic numeral flush left at the top of table and at the bottom of figure. Double-space and begin the table or figure title flush left. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized.

Footnotes should be avoided. Information should be incorporated into the text. However, when footnotes must be used, they should be typed on a separate sheet. Also, they should be inserted at the end of the manuscript before the tables and figures.

Order of the Manuscript Pages
  • The title page, including the running head, title, byline with institutional affiliation, and author’s contact information (separate page, no page number)
  • Abstract (separate page, numbered page 1)
  • Text (start on a separate page, numbered page 2)
  • References (start on a separate page)
  • Appendixes (start on a separate page)
  • Footnotes (list together, start on a separate page)
  • Tables (start on a separate page)
  • Figures (start on a separate page)
Format of References
  • Format of References basically follows the publication manual of APA (7th edition)
  • A list of references should contain only those cited in the text.
  • References should be indicated by giving the author’s name, with the year of the publication in parentheses. If some papers are written by same author and from the same year, a. b. c. etc. should be put after the year of the publication.
Further Inquiries

Further inquiries and suggestions regarding manuscript submission for the KEDI Journal of Educational Policy may be addressed to:

  • Managing Editor
  • KEDI Journal of Educational Policy (KJEP)
  • Korean Educational Development Institute(KEDI)
  • (27873) 7, Gyohak-ro, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, KOREA
  • E-MAIL: / TEL: (82)-43-530-9232