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Research and Publication Ethics

KEDI Journal of Educational Policy

Article One (Purpose):

The purpose of this document is to provide researchers with general guidelines about the ethical issues that may arise throughout the research process and to encourage them to take responsibility for their own ethical practice.

Article Two (Object):

These guidelines are applicable to all researchers and editors who participate in the submission and publication-related processes of KJEP.

Article Three (Publishing misconduct):

Research misconduct refers to any fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism that may undermine the integrity of research at any stage of the research process.

  1. 1. Fabrication refers to the recording or reporting of made-up data or results.
  2. 2. Falsification refers to the manipulation of research materials or processes, and the alteration or omission of data or results, such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
  3. 3. Plagiarism refers to the unauthorized use of others’ published or unpublished words or ideas, processes, results and reports of these ideas as one’s own original work. It also includes self-plagiarism, which refers to the practice of present ing one’s own previously published work, in whole or in part, in same or other languages without proper citation as though it were new.
Article Four (Authorship)

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.

Article Five (Acknowledgement of sources)

Proper acknowledgment of the published work or research of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of their reported work. Information obtained privately, as in conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit, written permission from the source.

Article Six (Publication)

An article is reviewed for publication on the understanding that the manuscript represents original work that has not been published, accepted, or is currently being considered for publication elsewhere.

Article Seven (Examining the ethical issues of research)

Editorial board members should examine the unethical behaviors of suspected articles. When ethical issues are raised during the review process, board members should review the paper to determine if the author(s) did anything unethical.

Article Eight (Actions and penalties on the result of examination)
  1. 1. Editorial Board should notify the offender of the result of examination and actions to take in written form.
  2. 2. The paper that has been found to be in violation of the Journal’s ethical guidelines should not only be withdrawn from publishing, but also be announced in the Journal for its withdrawal if it has already been published. The Editorial Board can take additional actions as it deems necessary.
  3. 3. The first and co-authors are prohibited to submit any manuscript to KJEP for three years from the decision date.
  4. 4. The suspected authors have right to raise an objection and request to reconsider within 30 days from the notification only in case in which new evidence that can affect the result has been found.
Article Nine (Confirmation of Compliance)
  1. 1. The researcher who submits a paper to KEDI Journal of Educational Policy should obey the ethical guidelines of the Journal and have a duty to submit 『Confirmation of Compliance』
  2. 2. Therefore, the researcher should submit their manuscript along with a signed copy of the 『Confirmation of Compliance』 to the Editorial Board of KJEP.
Article Ten (Copyright and Licensing)
  1. 1. For all articles published in KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, copyright is retained by the Korean Educational Development Institute. Articles are licensed under an open access, meaning that anyone may download and read the paper for free.
  2. 2. Upon 『Confirmation of Compliance 』 submitted by the Author(s), KJEP will act on the author(s) behalf to publish, reproduce, distribute and transmit the Work and will authorize other reputable third parties (such as document delivery services) to do the same, ensuring access to and maximum dissemination of the Work.
  3. 3. Permission from KJEP is not required for the Author(s) to reproduce, republish or distribute copies of the Work in whole or in part; however, the Author(s) will ensure that all such copies carry a notice of copyright ownership and reference to the original journal publication.