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2003 Asia-Europe High Level Education Forum: Search for the Future Direction []
KEDI, in cooperation with Asia-Europe Foundation and Korea Foundation, is organizing 2003 Asia-Europe High Level Education Forum: Search for the Future Direction on June 16-18, 2003 in Jeju Island in Korea. This Forum is planned as a sequel to the successful meeting held in Luxembourg in May 2000(New Thinking for a New millennium: Education for the Knowledge-based Economy).

The Forum intends to provide the open dialogues among leaders, educators, and high-level practitioners and policy makers of education to share their visions and suggestions for future direction of education

26 ASEM member countries will be represented by 60~70 participants. Michel Nusimovici, Vice President of University of Bretagne, Mats Ekholm, Director General of National Agency for Education in Sweden, Bom Suk Suh, Korean Vice Minister of education as well as other opinion leaders from countries in Asia and Europe will participate as guest speakers.

The participants will present their ideas and discuss not only the visions and future direction of education, but also the practical policies to be pursued, while identifying, as well, the problems facing the education of Europe and Asia, thus, contributing to the possibility of providing our young generations with a better chance to adapt to changing world. In addition, intellectual exchange during the Forum will enhance the understanding among countries in Asia and Europe.

For more information, please refer to
