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Research Reports

[RR2010-27-04] A Study for Innovation of the Human Resources Statistics (Ⅲ): Improving the Statistical System on Green Human Resources 
RR2010-27-4_Abstract.pdf   RR2010-27-4_Abstract.pdf  
[RR2010-27-04] A Study for Innovation of the Human Resources Statistics (Ⅲ): Improving the Statistical System on Green Human Resources
Lee Sang Don

A Study for Innovation of the Human Resources Statistics (Ⅲ):

Improving the Statistical System on Green Human Resources

In this study we aimed to develop innovative measures for green human resources statistics(GHRS) in order to well lead and support green human resources training and education policies.

To achieve this objective, we first defined the term green growth and then identified the concept of green human resources as there is no well-established definition of GHRS.

Second, we defined “green human resources statistics” based on this concept of green human resources and examined statistics related to this topic from perspectives of the life cycle?based model and the issue-oriented model. The examination results were presented from the perspective of the issue-oriented model, the more recommended of by scholars and researchers.

Third, we analyzed external and internal factors for the innovation of GHRS. For the innovative vision and goal of GHRS, three strategic objectives were identified from the outcomes of the analyses. They were building up of infrastructure for GHRS, enhancing its reliability and presenting mid- and long- term analyses, projections and policy recommendations. Also action plans were elaborated to achieve these objectives.

Finally, we drew up GHRS from the issue-oriented model, which was determined appropriate for this proposed statistics by a series of surveys. The proposed GHRS addresses and incorporates some of policy evaluation criteria as well as training & education, employment, economic and natural environments of green human resources. This statistics consisting of 4 domains including policy environments is expected to play a fundamental and essential role in leading and monitoring green growth.