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Research Reports

[RR2011-25] A Study for Establishing Master Plan for developing National Education Indicators and Indices 
RR2011-25_Abstract.pdf   RR2011-25_Abstract.pdf  
[RR2011-25] A Study for Establishing Master Plan for developing National Education Indicators and Indices
Chang Hwan Kim
Indicator, Education indicator, National education indicator, Index, Education index, National education index

A Study for Establishing Master Plan for developing National Education Indicators and Indices

In this study we tried to establish master plan for developing national education indicators and indices. For this purpose, first of all, we investigated relevant models and theories and developed a theoretical framework. We analysed the concepts and models of education indicators and indices.

Second, we collected national and international education indicators and indices and analysed them based on the theoretical framework. They can show, like a mirror, the current status and the problems of education indicators and indices in Korea. They can also present us the directions of developing national education indicators and indices to support the educational policy.

Third, we established comprehensive plan to develop the national education indicators and indices. We developed the vision, goals, agendas, and action plans based on the theoretical framework and case study.

Fourth, we developed national education indicators. We fixed the principles, criteria, and models for developing them. To examine the validity and feasibility of them the expert opinion survey was conducted. Based on these activities we developed the national indicator system and indicators.

Finally, we developed national education indices. We fixed the principles, criteria, and models for developing them. To examine the validity and feasibility of them the expert opinion survey was also conducted. Based on these activities we developed the national education indices.