- 2011
- [RR2011-19] Analysis of Achievement and Improvement Measures of Policy for Local Lifelong Learning
- RR2011-19_Abstract.pdf
- [RR2011-19] Analysis of Achievement and Improvement Measures of Policy for Local Lifelong Learning
- Byun, Jong Im
- Lifelong learning, Lifelong learning policy, Learning city, Achievement of lifelong learning policy
- RR2011-19
Analysis of Achievement and Improvement Measures of Policy for Local Lifelong Learning
The study analyzed the achievement of lifelong learning policy in local area and suggested the strategy and measures for restructuring the policy in the future-oriented manner.
The study is based on the analyses of previous studies on local lifelong learning policy, the status of local lifelong learning policy in central government and local governments, the local cases, the survey data on lifelong learning, the survey with persons responsible for local lifelong learning programs, and the interview with persons in central government and local lifelong learning institutions. The contents of the study are as follows:
First, the study examined the status of local lifelong learning policy and the change in learning environment in Korea and analyzed the previous study of international organizations or national institutions on local lifelong learning policy.
Second, on the basis of policy implementation, the study analyzed the factors that were able to influence the implementation and achievement of the policy for lifelong learning in five local governments and drew some implications.
Third, the study analyzed the result of lifelong learning city as a part of local lifelong learning policy.
Fourth, the study looked into the achievement and problems of local lifelong learning policy after conducting survey and interview with local institutions and persons in charge of lifelong learning.