- 2011
- [RR2011-03] A Study on Establishing an Integrated Support System for Education Welfare
- RR2011-03_Abstract.pdf
- [RR2011-03] A Study on Establishing an Integrated Support System for Education Welfare
- Lee, Hyeyoung
- Education welfare, Service integration collaboration between the schools and local community
- RR2011-03
A Study on Establishing an Integrated Support System for Education Welfare
As part of their efforts to cope with the deepening educational gap between the classes occasioned by the phenomenon of social polarization, concerned government departments, including the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, have implemented various education welfare programs designed to provide help to those most at risk. However, as these programs have been implemented by various departments without any linkages between them, they have exposed the limited ability to provide comprehensive and organized support to education welfare recipients. The problems related to this at risk group in need of educational welfare are complicated in nature and stem from a variety of sources. However, these segmented suppliers have diagnosed only part of the problem from different standpoints without any interaction and engaged in limited responses. As a result, this overlap, conflict, and discontinuance have led to a decrease in the efficiency of their programs and made it difficult to comprehensively approach and resolve the prevailing problems. As part of efforts to resolve the problems occasioned by the segmental implementation of various educational welfare related policy programs, the present study analyzes the actual state of the management of educational welfare related policy programs featuring similar goals and contents that have been implemented by government departments such as the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Such an examination is carried out in an in-depth manner using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Based on the results of these analyses, the study seeks to identify countermeasures through which an integrated support system for education welfare can be established.