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Research Reports

[RR2012-22] A Study for developing Education Justice Index 
RR2012-22_Abstract.pdf   RR2012-22_Abstract.pdf  
[RR2012-22] A Study for developing Education Justice Index
Chang Hwan Kim
Indicator, Index, Education indicator, Education index, Education justice, Education Justice Index

A Study for developing Education Justice Index

Social Justice, one of the national key issues in Korea, has risen in recent years because of the in creasing on the social in equality and social gap. In the OECD Social Justice Index 2011, Korea ranked 25th among 34 countries. In this context, OECD recommended that Korean government needs to develop policies for social integration and to improve the equality of education.

In this study, we tried to develope Education Justice Index(EJI) and evaluate the level of Korean education justice.

For this purpose, first of all, we investigated relevant theories and developed a theoretical framework. We analysed the theories of Platon, Aristoteles, Nozik, Rawls and Sandel. Based on these we developed the concept of Education Justice Index.

Second, we collected relevant international social and education indices and analysed them. They showed the current status and the problems of education indices in Korea. They can also present us the directions of developing EJI.

Third, we developed EJI. We developed the methodology to measure and produce the EJI. We also developed measurement model based on the education justice concept model. At last, we developed education justice indicators and Education Justice Index(EJI).

Fourth, after we collected, standardized t he r aw d ata, i mputed t he m issin g data, we calculated the analyzed data and produced the sub-index and composite index.

Finally, we analyzed EJI with examining the validity. We also examined the composite index and the sub-indices. Moreover, We tried to compare with other index and indicators.