- 2019
- [RR2019-22] A Study on the International Comparison of Teachers, Principals, and Teaching and Learning - Results from TALIS 2018
- RR2019-22_Abstract.pdf
- [RR2019-22] A Study on the International Comparison of Teachers, Principals, and Teaching and Learning - Results from TALIS 2018
- Dongyup, Lee
- TALIS 2018, Teacher education and initial Preparation, Teacher job satisfaction and motivation, Teacher development, Teacher self-efficacy, Teachers’ instructional practices, School climate, Innovation, Diversity and Equity
- RR2019-22
A Study on the International Comparison of Teachers, Principals, and Teaching and Learning
- Results from TALIS 2018
The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is an international large-scale survey of the teachers, teaching, and learning environments, coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). TALIS collects data through questionnaires for teachers and principals in a format that investigates their perceptions. The major topics range broadly and include teacher education and initial preparation education, teachers’ job satisfaction and motivation, teacher feedback and professional development, teacher self-efficacy, teachers’ professional practices, teachers’ instructional practices, human resource issues and stakeholder relations, the school climate, school leadership, innovation, diversity, and equity. Until now, TALIS 2008 (round one), TALIS 2013 (round two), and TALIS 2018 (round three) have been conducted for the survey, and it will also be continuously implemented in future.
This study aims to present the major analytic results of TALIS 2018 provided by the OECD, in accordance with the South Korean context. Through this, various policy implications of research results will be shared, and a contribution will be made to open a “window of opportunity” for discussion.