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Vol. 18 | (2)
attached file   01_M-learning and integrated technology adoption.pdf  
Understanding the adoption of mobile-learning in South Korea: Using the integrated technology acceptance analysis
M-learning, technology acceptance model, perceived usefulness, Learning satisfaction, Learning self-efficacy 


This study analyzes factors that influence the continuance intention of mobile learning (m-learning) for its users. We collected 222 responses from an online survey in South Korea. We conducted an empirical analysis by integrating the technology acceptance model and psychological factors related to learning. Subsequently, we verified the hypotheses drawn in this study using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The results show that perceived enjoyment, connectedness, and security, respectively, had a positive effect on the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of learning for users. Additionally, the results showed that perceived usefulness could be improved by increasing the perceived ease of use, which had a positive influence on learning satisfaction, learning self-efficacy, and continuance intention of m-learning, which were crucial to users’ learning outcomes. Particularly, learning self-efficacy, which was positively influenced by learners’ learning satisfaction, was also expected to boost the use of m-learning by influencing the continuance intention of m-learning. This study provided critical clues for expanding related research, and hence, this study has important implications for academic and practical purposes.