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Vol. 17 | (1)
attached file   4. KJEP Vol.17 No.1_Cumulative disadvantage of college mismatch from college admission to graduation.pdf  
Cumulative disadvantage of college mismatch from college admission to graduation in the United States
College undermatching, academic undermatching, college choice, degree attainment, propensity score matching analysis 


Using nationally representative data (Educational Longitudinal Study:02), and a quasi-experimental design, this study examines the causal relationship between college completion and undermatching, when a student attends a less selective college than his/her qualification would permit. This study reveals that undermatching negatively influences college completion within a four year span, and a six year span. In addition, undermatching effects vary widely among students based on college selectivity levels. As the findings of this study reveal, disadvantages related to undermatching continue to grow during college, after the admissions process. These findings highlight the crucial need for further analysis of undermatching, in order to decrease educational inequality and improve college completion rates.

DOI: 10.22804/kjep.2020.17.1.004