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Vol. 17 | (1)
attached file   6. KJEP Vol.17 No.1_Effects of computational thinking skills and media and technology use for STEM awareness.pdf  
Understanding predictor effects of computational thinking skills and media and technology use and attitudes of pre-service teachers for STEM awareness
STEM awareness, computational thinking, media and technology usage, pre-service teachers 


This study proposes and tests a model that explains STEM awareness of pre-service teachers by examining computational thinking skills, media and technology use and attitudes, and demographic variables including gender, high school type and parent educational background. A total of 337 participants who enrolled in education faculties at three state universities in different regions of Turkey participated in the study. “STEM Awareness Scale”, “Computational Thinking Skills Scale”, “Media and Technology Use and Attitudes Scale” and demographic information forms were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed through statistical tests including structural equation modelling. Fit indices of the established model were within an acceptable range. Analysis demonstrated a positive relation amongst computational thinking and media and technology use and attitudes and STEM awareness. In addition, results of structural equation modeling revealed that these factors were significant predictors of STEM awareness. Similarly, the study found that STEM awareness was significantly predicted by some demographic variables such as majors, age, and mother’s educational background. Recommendations for educationalists and policymakers are proposed.
