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The 2nd Meeting among the Heads of the Korean, Chinese and Japanese National Institutes of Educational Research
The 2nd Meeting among the Heads of the Korean, Chinese and Japanese National Institutes of Educational Research

I. Date: August 28, 2012 (10:00-12:10)

II. Venue: Conference roomⅡ, KEDI, Seoul, Korea

III. Agenda:

1. (10:00-10:10) Introduction of participants

2. (10:10-10:30) Greetings by the head of each institute
1) Tae-Wan Kim (President, KEDI)
2) Yuan Zhenguo (President, NIES)
3) Ozaki Haruki (General-Director, NIER)

3. (10:30-11:30) Discussion (Ⅰ) on the current educational challenges and issues and the research projects of each educational research institute
1) Astushi Kojirima (Director, Dept. of International Research and Co-operation, NIER)
2) Liu Jianfeng (Vice-President, NIES)
3) Ja-Oek Gu (Director-General, Educational Statistics & Evaluation Research Division, KEDI)

4. (11:30-11:50) Discussion (Ⅱ) on the plan for the 3rd meeting in 2013

5. (11:50-12:00) Closing remarks
Dr. Tae-Wan Kim (President, KEDI)

6. (12:00-12:10) Group Photo & Wrap up