173 | The 2nd Korea-China-Japan Educational Research Institute's Heads MTG | 2012.07.06 | 2857 |
172 | Pacific Circle Consortium 36th Annual Conference | 2012.06.21 | 2930 |
171 | The KEDI 40th Anniversary International Symposium | 2012.06.21 | 2838 |
170 | The 3rd KEDI-KAERA Joint International Symposium on Educational Policy | 2012.06.20 | 3095 |
169 | The Supervision through School Consulting | 2012.06.20 | 2838 |
168 | OECD - Korea International Conference on Educational Facilities | 2012.06.20 | 2825 |
167 | Spring Symposium hosted by Korean Association for Higher Education | 2012.06.20 | 2857 |
166 | 2012 Round Forum in Education Fields | 2012.06.20 | 2855 |
165 | The 28th Institution Evaluation Consulting Forum | 2012.06.11 | 3061 |
164 | Korea - United States Bilateral Seminar | 2012.06.11 | 2844 |